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We are off and running for the 2022-23 school year. We are praying for you, your students and families, and your faculty/staff.

School-choice is a critical issue for many families around the country. The states that have tax-credit programs for non-public school scholarships have created an important opportunity for our schools to serve families in their communities. ACSI’s Children’s Education Fund (ACEF)—also known as Children’s Tuition Fund (CTF) — has specialists in Alabama, Illinois, Missouri, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Virginia to help schools, parents, and contributors who want to participate in their state program.  ACEF operates as ACSI’s Scholarship Granting Organization (SGO).

ACSI schools should have a strategy to make their supporters, parents, and business-relationships aware of the opportunity to “re-direct” their state income-tax obligation to the SGO which then directs those funds on to the school. Many of our schools around the country have utilized this program to help students afford tuition and, in many cases, have seen additional revenue that might otherwise be forfeited in the form of a “tuition discount.”

This is a high-level overview so please know there are details to work through (eligibility requirements for schools, contributors, and students) and nuances to each state program. Please do not allow a lack of knowledge or understanding prevent you from taking advantage of this program.  CTF is here to guide you through the process! Our state specialists understand the laws and nuances and help hundreds of schools each year integrate these tax-credit programs.

For more information you can visit our website at  or call one of our state specialists.