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I sent my Joinder in, now what?

You will be placed in a waitlist que and a program specialist will reach out to you to let you know it was received from If you have sent it in and have not received an acknowledgement email within 24 hours, please check your spam folder or reach out to a program specialist at

Spring General Timeframe: 
1. First Week of January:  
We will check in with you to confirm that the amount of your tax-credit reservation has not changed.

2. First week of February: You will then receive an email from us with your executed joinder that includes the SPE name (special purpose entity: an avenue that the state uses for individuals to receive a tax-credit) and a contribution link.

3. Mid/Late February: Your K-1 document, and blank schedule OC will be securely emailed to you to file with your PA Individual Income Tax Forms.

4. First Week of April: Contribution will be due. Actual dues date will be listed when payment link is sent.

Fall General Timeframe:

1. Mid July: We will check in with you to confirm that the amount of your tax-credit reservation has not changed.

2. September: You will then receive an email from us with your executed joinder that includes the SPE name (special purpose entity: an avenue that the state uses for individuals to receive a tax-credit) and a contribution link.


3. End of October: Contribution will be due. Actual dues date will be listed when payment link is sent.

4. Mid/Late February: Your K-1 document, blank schedule OC will be securely emailed to you to file with your PA Individual Income Tax Forms.

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