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How to Apply for a Scholarship

Is my student eligible for a scholarship?

There are three different types of scholarship programs in PA: EITC (K-12), Pre-K, and OSTC (K-12).  To qualify, families must meet the following guidelines:

  • EITC & Pre-K Eligibility:  Household income is not to exceed $112,348 plus $19,775 per dependent child. (Example: for a family with two children, the maximum income allowed to be eligible in this program would be $151,898).

  • OSTC Eligibility:  EITC requirement + student must also reside within the attendance radius of a low-achieving school. The scholarship awarded may not exceed $8,500 per student.

How do I apply for a scholarship for my child?

Once you have applied for a scholarship through your school and have been approved for a scholarship, funds are then allocated based on the individual school’s tuition assistance guidelines and in compliance with PA State Education Tax Credit Program guidelines.

Scholarship funds are sent directly to the school.


Information for Contributors and Schools: