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Helping Alabama Kids Through the Alabama Accountability Act

Children’s Tuition Fund (CTF) empowers Alabama families to choose an education for their children through the AAA program that is better suited to their individual needs. This state tax-credit initiative allows businesses and individuals to receive a 100% AL state tax-credit on up to 100% of their tax liability by contributing to scholarships for lower-income families. There is a cap of $100,000 for individual contributors.

As an approved Scholarship Granting Organization (SGO), CTF:

  • Processes tax credits for contributors
  • Partners with schools to identify eligible families
  • Awards scholarships up to $10,000 to qualifying students
  • Ensures compliance with state regulations
Information for Contributors
Information for Parents
Information for Schools

Alabama Testimonial:

Thank you all so much for blessing my daughter with an amazing education throughout her life. She’s an amazing, wonderful, smart young lady who has a goal to teach and reach other young people. The school she attends has given my child a strong Christian background at a high educational level along with opportunities to attend great A-1 colleges with academic and sports scholarships. She has made history at the school in leading them to State Championships three times in competitive swimming. She’s also taking AP college class to help with entering in selected colleges. God has been so good to us, I’m so grateful for Children’s Tuition Scholarship program for helping my daughter get the education she deserves for a great future.