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As 2022 starts to come to a close there is a lot happing in the world of tax-credits and school-choice.  Several of our states have significant changes and updates still taking place these last couple of months of the year… events that would impact your school for the better.  We encourage you to read about what is taking place and if you are in one of these states, get involved.  If you are not, please pray for each of these states!  Each person’s prayer and voice matters.


CTF Has 2022 Tax-Credits Available NOW!

EITC K-12: $8.3 Million

Pre-K: $50,000

With the increase in the PA EITC tax-credit program NOW is the time to contact all your businesses and individual contributors and have them get involved. This is a small window of opportunity that we have to make a massive impact on Christian schools in PA and for kids around the state. 

How can interest individuals and business participate?

  1. Contact CTF NOW!
  2. Receive and Complete Joinder Agreement
  3. Make Contribution
  4. Receive K-1 from SPE (February)
  5. File Taxes – Including K-1 

Contact with any questions or for more information. 


Alabama has increased the tax-credit amount from 65% to 100% of the taxpayer’s tax-liability! Tax-payers can now receive a 100% credit on their full state income tax liability.

There is still time for individuals and business to reserve and receive tax-credits for 2022.  Tax credits can be reserved at .  Have your contributors choose Children’s Tuition Fund of AL from the SGO Name drop down list.   

Contact with any questions.


Reserving Tax-Credits:

There is still time for individuals and business to reserve and receive tax-credits for 2022.  

Tax credits can be reserved at your contributors choose Children’s Tuition Fund of IL from the Scholarship Granting Organization drop down list.   

This is a great opportunity for individuals and businesses to receive a 75% tax-credit on their total qualified contribution.  

** The IL tax-credit scholarship program is set to expire next year, December 31, 2023.  The SGO’s in IL collectively feel like there is momentum legislatively to have the program made permanent. This would be a significant step forward for the kids of IL. 

It is imperative that you let your voice be heard to “Remove the Sunset” during the legislative veto session on November 15-17 and November 29-Dec 1.

How can you help?

  1. Have your entire community of parents, donors, and staff reach out to their legislators via Phone-2-Action (P2A) as soon as possible.
    1. English-language campaign link:
    2. Spanish-language campaign:
    3. QR code to open the link easily on your mobile phone:
    4. People can also access the campaign by texting “RTS” to 52886 and following the prompts. Please note that texting/messaging rates do apply.
  1. Principals, please invite your local State Rep and Senator to visit your school. 
    1. Invite your local state Representative or Senator to visit your school
    2. If they accept the invitation, contact your Lori Westlund for more information on their position about “Removing the Sunset” 
    3. Have parents/students receiving the scholarship be part of your delegation welcoming them to the school.
    4. Take pictures with the elected officials! 
  1. Send your delegation of parents to represent your school/organization to Springfield during veto session. 
    1. Contact Lori Westlund to identify a date and commit to bringing a certain number of people
    2. Volunteer to lead a bus or join another bus in your local area. We will share the location/dates of buses once we have them established. 
    3. Invite your entire community of parents, donors, and staff to be part of your delegation. We welcome students and kids especially those who are on the waiting list or have received a scholarship, but the turnout from your school needs to be primarily adults. 
    4. Track you volunteers/sign ups (Name, cellphone number, email address) for Springfield and share with Lori Westlund

Contact with any questions.


There is still time for individuals and business to reserve and receive tax-credits for 2022.  Tax credits can be reserved at  Have your contributors choose ACSI Children Education Fund (dba Children’s Tuition Fund MO) from the EAO drop down list.
This is a great opportunity for individuals and businesses to receive a 100% tax credit on 50% of their tax-liability.
There are currently 72 qualified students waiting for contributions and over another 60 students going through the application process.
Each contribution makes a difference it the lives of so many students.
Contact with any questions.